Welcome to OK1KDO page

We are a small amateur radio club station, based in little town Domažlice, in the southwest of the Czech republic.

Roots of the club are in the late 20’s of the past century, when the club station OK1RD associated radio amateurs in Domažlice. After WWII was OK1RD not restored. In the 1954 was established a new club station with callsign OK1KDO.

OK1KDO was very active in the contests, mostly VHF. Station is also holder of a few national and international records such as:

First international contact from the Czechoslovakia on band 1296 MHz. It was between OK1KDO/p and german station DL6MH/p 6th August 1958.

First international contact ever made on 2,3 GHz. Stations were OK1KDO/p and DL6MH/p. It was year 1961

24th October 1982 first international contact from Czechoslovakia on 24 GHz. DJ4YJ/p and OK1KDO/p

First contact between Czechslovakia and France on 2m on 7th May 1959 F3YX/p and OK1KDO/p.

On the edge of millenium, chairman of the club Stanisav Vlk OK1WN is mainly focused on bringing kids to amateur radio, OK1KDO is still very active on VHF. Tjis time is already future chairman Pavel Hálek OK1CRM very active under the club callsign as well.

At the moment we are small group of operators, but still active in various HAM radio actvities.

Chairman and responsible operator is Pavel Hálek OK1CRM, experienced operator, member of national HQ team, exceptional contester and member of very succesful expeditions to various DXCC countries, member of CDXP – Czech EX pedition. Another member is Martin Petašovský, excellent engineer, ocassioanl conester, passionate for any kind of portable activities, climber and skialpinist. Next one is Pavel Nový OK1NYD, he loves DXing, HF Contesting, hiking with amateur radio outdoor activities and passionate traveller. Another member is Jinřich Kobes OK1IBP, excellent CW and contest operator, Pavel Zajíček OK1ZAJ, Pavel was incredibly keen on various VHF portable activities and awards, today he also loves geocaching. Our honoured member is also Stanislav Vlk OK1WN.

We are based on the small hill Vavřineček in walking distance from Domažlice, JN69KK.

Radioklub OK1KDO is also associated with OL3Y VHF Contest Team.